Year of the Eucharist – Part III

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The Church requires that we fast for at least one hour before receiving Holy Communion. It is a time of spiritual and physical preparation to receive the Divine Bridegroom. If someone knew that a very important person was coming to their home, would they not spend some time cleaning the house? How much more should we not prepare to receive the King of Kings! And could it not be disrespectful to be overly concerned about the letter of the law, estimating what time Communion will happen during the Mass so that I can eat or have a cup of coffee up to the last minute? Would it not be more pleasing to God to begin our preparation at least one hour before Mass begins? “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” (2Cor 9:6)

Receiving Our Lord Jesus Christ in Holy Communion is the greatest possible privilege we can experience, this side of heaven. It is most essential that we receive with reverence, devotion, faith and love. It is a grave offense against God to treat Holy Communion lightly, in a thoughtless and shallow manner, as many seem to do.

Jesus is present in our body in this unique way for about 15 minutes. We should strive to spend this time in devout prayer, especially thanksgiving, as far as possible. That is why it is so fitting to spend some time in silent prayer after Mass instead of rushing out the door or chatting with friends.

How sad and rude it is to ignore or neglect this most sacred guest, our God Who became one of us and died for us so that He could give Himself to us in this way.

And what a beautiful example they give who kneel down after Mass and take time to say thank you for the greatest gift ever given.

God’s Peace to all.

–Fr. Peter